1. 熊本大学
Agree or disagree with the following statement: The use of smartphones in the high school classroom is an excellent idea. Write one paragraph in English stating your opinion and three reasons to support it. You may write up to 80 words. (Do not count punctuation such as periods and commas as words.)
2. 岩手大学
インターネット上で実名(real name)を使わずに、ニックネームなどの偽名(made-up name)を使って情報を発信することの是非について、あなた自身の意見を80語程度の英語で書きなさい。
3. 名古屋大学
Do you think that it is a good idea for a person to have a job related to their hobby? Circle “agree” or “disagree” on the answer sheet. Then explain your answer by completing the paragraph with between 30 and 40 English words. (The first sentence on the answer sheet is not included in the word count.)
4. 小樽商科大学
Many supermarkets stopped giving free plastic bags and started charging for them instead. Do you think it was a good decision or a bad one? Take one position and write the reasons why you think so. (About 60 words)
5. 鹿児島大学
This year saw the expansion of English classes in Japanese primary schools. Do you think it is a good idea to learn a foreign language at such a young age? Give two reasons why you think this is a good or bad idea.
6. 神戸市外国語大学
What do you think of the recent lowering of the voting age from 20 to 18?
Give specific reasons to support your opinion.
7. 鳥取大学
Some people move to large cities and live there. Other people move to small rural towns or villages and live there. There are advantages and disadvantages to living in both kinds of places.
8. 福島大学
Which do you prefer, reading news online or in the newspaper?
9. 琉球大学
10. 愛媛大学
中学校や高等学校で行われている部活動に関して、近年では、過度の活動が生徒・教員にもたらす弊害についても議論が行われるようになっています。「中学校及び高等学校において、部活動の時間を削減すべきである(Time spent on junior and senior high school club activities should be reduced.)」という意見に対するあなたの考えを英語で論じなさい。英文の書き出しは、Time spent on junior and senior high school club activities should be reduced. か Time spent on junior and senior high school club activities should not be reduced. のいずれかにし、理由を十分に説明すること。120~150語程度の英文を書くこと。
1. 大阪大学(2018)
2. 新潟大学
Imagine that you are going to go on a trip to England on a student exchange program. You will give a short talk about your country. Write a speech for people from England that tells them some interesting or unique points about the culture or customs of your country. Write about 100 words in English. The first sentence of the speech is given for you on the answer sheet.
3. 岡山大学
In New Zealand, an island nation like Japan, it is common for young people to have an “Overseas Experience.” They spend a year or more studying, working, or traveling outside of New Zealand. Imagine you had to spend one year away from your home country. Where would you go and how would you spend this time? In addition, what new skills, knowledge, or perspectives would you like to bring back to your home country? Write your answer in about 10 lines.
4. 香川大学
Write about a place you would like to visit in the future. What do you know about this place, and why would you like to visit there? Your answer should be in English and about 12 lines in length.
5. 北九州大
If you could create a new national holiday for Japan, on which day of the year would you place it, what would be its theme, and what activities might take place? Explain your vision in detail.
6. 滋賀大学
If you could have a conversation with any person in human history (living or dead), who would you choose? Why? What would you discuss?
7. 兵庫県立大学
What do you like or not like about where you live? Why?
8. 埼玉大学
What is one of the greatest things life has taught you so far? Explain what it is and why it is important to you.
9. 東京大学(2013)
10. 大阪大学(2013)